Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baby Regression

So my daughter, beautiful 2 almost 3 year old daughter, has been throwing fits. Lots of them. 
Some small, some not so small, and some big ones. Not that you can measure them or anything.
I have figured out after talking to her school that it must be, has to be, a simple regression.
Simple? Maybe not. 
A baby- its all the baby's fault. Because she wants to be the baby. 
NO ONE is allowed to be the baby except her....
In her eyes.
I have tried telling her that she has had and always will have a special place in my heart. She is my first baby girl. 
This has only starting the last week or so, over the weekend actually, that it has gotten so bad, she is acting out the part of baby but in that super annoying toddler way. She is crying, super baby talk, wanting to be spoon fed, throwing herself on the ground...
the whole nine yards. 
But I am grateful to temporarily be out of the biting herself stage, hopefully out of it for good.
So I am wondering, with being due to have another baby in 4 weeks, if that has anything to do with it.
She is normally so well behaved at school and even her school is bringing up concerns about her to me about her temperament when she is there.
Makes you wonder. 
She has been laying on top of the baby, declaring the baby hers, not mine, but refusing to change the diapers. She has been so stoked about having a baby around...
a few days ago.
Then the switch went on.
Keep this updated, but wondering if its a sign of immediate pending labour? We will find out soon enough. Just pray in the meantime, I can hold patience to love her and guide her as best a mom can.